Ouendan 2!

Posted: Sun, 03 Jun 2007 21:06:40 PDT

This week went by extremely fast and the weather has really warmed up. Sititng outside for lunch has become mandatory. We’ve had plenty of entertainment, from celebrating b-days, unwine’ing on company time, to seeing several police motorcycles escort the California Governor as he drove by smoking a cigar, it sure was a crazy week. But one of the best things that happened was receiving my package from Play-asia; the Ouendan sequel had finally arrived.

I’ve already heard a few songs from the game and read about it on various blogs so I was pretty excited when I finally received my copy. It’s always a treat to get a package in the mail but even more so when its something you’ve been anticipating.

The stages are even quirkier and now with two teams of Ouendans to take on different missions. There are some cameos from the old characters like in the first stage of Ouendan. The character who tried to diligently study for his exams but couldn’t get any peace and quiet. Now he’s a little older but still has a similar dilemna.
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In both Ouendan and the American version everyone knows and loves, Elite Beat Agents, there has been a sad level. I label it the sad level because it’s usually the one with the slower music, the beeping sound as you tap the circles, a tragic death and a ghost trying to communicate with a loved one.

Ouendan’s sad stage involves a woman who lost the love of her life to a motorcycle accident. His ghost tries to communicate with her.

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(The ghost knocks over the cup, and the coffee forms a heart)

While Elite Beat Agents has a daughter waiting for the return of her father, even if her mother tells her that he’s been in an accident. She especially misses him when Christmastime arrives and hopes he keeps his promise to be back in time for Christmas. The father’s ghost eventually communicates with his wife and daughter once you beat the level.

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In Ouendan 2 the sad level is about two friends who are both figure skaters. Lina, Mana’s friend, dies after she gets hit by a car. Her death inspires Mana to train hard and be the figure skater she always wanted her to be.

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When I first played the sad stage in Ouendan , I was a little surprised to see a storyline about a ghost. Every other level focuses on living people and their busy lives. After playing a few times, I found the storyline itself went so well with the music of the stage that it became one of my favorite levels. I like to think of the slower song as a nice break between the faster levels; not only is the music great but the stage is easier too. Hopefully they will keep this formula for the second Elite Beat Agents.

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