Zelda, Gamecube + Craigslist

Posted: Sat, 03 Feb 2007 19:26:16 PST

Craigslist –games and so much more

I just got back from lunch and was sitting at my desk on Friday afternoon when I heard someone running toward me. I turned around, and my co-worker says in an excited tone “You’re playing Zelda?!”

She was referring to Twilight Princess on the Wii and said she loves Zelda! The last one she played was Ocarina of Time because she left her Gamecube behind in Australia when she moved here. But she really wanted to try the latest Zelda. Another co-worker had told her that I was trying to finish Twilight Princess and she was so jealous. In her Australian accent she exclaimed “You bastard” To which I laughed. I suggested she look on Craigslist for a Gamecube so she could get the GC version of Twilight Princess.

About 10min later she comes back all excited, and tells me to check my email. I told her I got the email about the bowling but she was like No! check check check. There was an email about a used Gamecube for sale with 5 games $100. After emailing the person selling it back and forth a few times she was able to lower the price to $100 from $150. What a great deal!! It didn’t come with Twilight princess unfortunately but Windwaker was included so I think she’ll be playing Zelda this weekend too ^_^

There have been countless times that items on Craiglist has proven to be a great buy. In addition to great games & electronics there is so much to buy(or get rid of — a friend of mine recently sold 2 hockey tickets that they got at $40 for over $300) AND they also have some good freelance opportunities listed too. Of course, you have to be careful to avoid scams and make sure whatever you buy works before you give them the cash. But that just goes hand in hand with anything done over the internet.

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